Star: William Shakespeare
Works: all his plays
Words: I see, see, as :-
My tenth post, a special tribute to a star since my schooldays: Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare |
Friends, fans of the Bard, fellow readers,
Lend me your ears, I come to blog, praise, propound,
The peerless, paragon of playwright and poet,
Master of all time: William Shakespeare.
His plays rich in profitable pointers, for he was,
A decidedly, didactic, dramatist.
Long before life coach, personal development motivators,
Success coach, relationship counselor, management consultant,
Financial adviser, were coined, there was, the Bard.
Look beyond his lush, beautiful word plays,
To learn long, lasting tips of:-
To not be disheartened by any disadvantage, it could be adroitly turn into advantage,
Or will not be as successful as Mark Anthony, master of turnaround, in JULIUS CAESAR.
To have time management in place before indulges particularly, pertinent to bosses,
Or else a green upstart with big ambition like an Octavius in ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA, will stage a takeover.
To pay oneself before spending on friends,
Or be a TIMON OF ATHENS in the making, money gone, and friends flown.
To comprehend that competitors are not sleeping companions,
Or they will surpass and suppress as in TITUS ANDRONICUS.
To flourish in life, is to have more than one strong point to depend on,
Or likely languished and defeated like the Trojans in TROILUS AND CRESSIDA,
When their lone strength, legendary Hector, was killed.
To wise up like PERICLES, PRINCE OF TYRE, that some contest, win
Or lose makes no difference, invariably ended up gaining nothing.
To outsource what you are not good at to another more able, like the Bastard, leading England against France in war,
Or not be successful like KING JOHN, had limitations yet managed to hold on his position.
To be cool and calm in crisis albeit seemly possible defeat,
Or likewise, use whatever resources at hand; likely achieve
Stunning successes like the Black Prince in EDWARD III.
To realize the important of forethought before speaking unlike King Henry IV,
Or resulted in regret, remorse that rectify nothing as in the case of poor RICHARD II.
To stick to your stand, not protested, yet be seduced and succumbed by sweet words of men like RICHARD III,
Or be sneered behind the back like Lady Anne whom he later married and killed.
To anticipate change in friendship once circumstances and position were altered,
Or be like a Falstaff in HENRY IV, ignored and banished when Prince Hal became king.
To rally with motivating, morale-boosting preparatory talks like HENRY V before embarking against the odds projects,
Or suffer deeply, demoralizing defeat as the French did in Agincourt.
To be strong in self-belief and confidence as inspirational Joan of Arc in HENRY VI, not muscular,
Or trained in fighting yet miraculously managed to fight and won against the English in war.
To be aware and alerted of husband's company of friends,
Or alas! An artful Wolsey can put in abominably wicked notions and put a marriage in asunder: HENRY VIII.
To bear in mind; brevity of words do not mean lack of care and concern,
Or that profusion of words do not mean abundance of affection: KING LEAR.
To have effective and reliable communication tool, feedback before proceeding,
Or may experience a situation like ROMEO AND JULIET; resulting in fatal consequences.
To make fast, decisive decisions, list pro and cons, worst-case scenarios with counter-actions,
Or ended up like a dithered HAMLET, dilly-dallying in a dilemma.
To read fine prints and in between lines in all documents,
Or be tricked as Shylock was in MERCHANT OF VENICE.
To discard myopic principles of the ends justify the means
Or ended up like MACBETH, the pickings fallen to the Malcolm of the world.
To reward, remunerate, promote, subordinate who served well,
Or they might turn into another sly, sabotaging Iago as in OTHELLO.
To refuse request from strangers to safe guard their belongings
Or ended up like unsuspecting, innocent Imogen accused of wrongdoing in CYMBELINE.
To realize that some bosses like Duke of Vienna in MEASURE FOR MEASURE, tend to
test their assistant,
Or ended up like arrogant, autocratic Angelo whose authority, taken away.
To recognize that upper echelon do not view subordinate as suitable companion for life,
Or ended up like Malvolio in TWELFTH NIGHT, a blunt of practical jokes.
To know one's limitation and set attainable aims,
Or be thought of as feeble failures as in LOVE LABOUR LOST.
To be an understanding head both at home and workplace,
Or suffered dissension, dissatisfaction, alienation, like CORIOLANUS, disposed off.
To best of friends like THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA who share same tastes and interests, Inclined to include fancying same women too,
Or like Valentine discovering too late Proteus betraying their friendship.
To have integrity and always do the right thing unlike Leontes in THE WINTER'S TALE,
Or loss a top-rated assistant likes a Camillo, to another country/company.
To win and control someone, let them shine and bask in their good guy role and image,
Or will not be as successful as a Petruchio of THE TAMING OF THE SHREW.
To think just because higher status, title or sex likes a Sir Falstaff played
ordinary people around,
Or be outsmarted and made a clown by common housewives like MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR.
To consider at times strange twist of fate with coincidences can happen,
Or be confused and clueless like the characters in COMEDY OF ERRORS.
To keep abreast of your competitors in innovations, inventions, technology, know how,
Or will be like a Caliban, once a master then a slave in THE TEMPEST.
To fear not if suddenly out of job/comfortable existence: venture forth to greener pasture with savings and supportive friend/family,
Or will not be as enterprising survivor as Rosalind in AS YOU LIKE IT.
To keep secret, singularly successful but shady, sordid, slickly sly sham/schemes,
Or suffered baleful backlash like bragging Barachio in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.
To dare to pursuit one's dreams as Bottom and group in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM,
Or more likely lead a mundane, monotonous, mediocre life.
As for the Bard, was he not an inspiration?
Was Shakespeare not a stirring, stimulating, steering star?
He was born in Stafford-upon-Avon in 1564,
Married a girl two years older with a baby on the way,
As ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, when they eventually have three children.
Had A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM to feed his growing family,
Off he went to seek his fame and fortune in London.
Within a short space of time, created THE TEMPEST of
Unbridled jealousy with his AS YOU LIKE IT plays, played to full house.
His winds of change to the English language is still unabated,
A country lad with no university degree to made such a permanent mark.
He was not born great, nor has greatness thrust upon him,
But achieve greatness through his own efforts,
The stuff that dreams are made on,
Poet, playwright, par excellence.
From his day to the ending of the world,
Shakespeare shall be remembered.
Starwordsworks: That's how I see it, how do you see it ? Feel free to comment !
If you disagreed or other opinions, pray do share and comment!